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3 Simple UGC (user generated content) Ideas for Your Restaurant

3 Simple UGC (user generated content) Ideas for Your Restaurant

If you’re new to the idea of UGC. In a nutshell, user generated content helps break down the wall between customer and brand, opening up conversation in an authentic, genuine way. This level of brand interaction helps build and grow an engaged community! 

Sharing audience content also works to develop and deepen audience/business relationships, driving more brand loyalty. And it has a massive snowball effect - once you have a handful of people taking pictures in your eatery, chances are others will follow! 

  • Social Media only discount/promo
    I love this idea and have seen an increasing amount of eateries adopt it. Whatever your main channel of social media is, you could have in your ‘bio’ to ‘tag us in a post and we’ll give you 10% off your next visit’. Or something like that! It’s a great way to encourage UGC in a not-too-salesy way! Plus, it’ll cost you nothing to set up, and minimal to run - you can always take it down if things go crazy! 

  • Have a super instagramable feature or dish.
    Perhaps you’ve got an empty nook in your eatery you can transform to ‘the spot’ to take a pic, or you’ve got one dish you can hype up to be ‘the dish’ to photo. Start the trend yourself and encourage others to follow with a hashtag or call to action (CTA). 

  • Work with an influencer!
  • Influencer marketing is great if done correctly. We’d recommend finding a micro-influencer in your niche/location who has a following that will include a lot of your customers and potential customers. Micro-influencers will also be significantly cheaper. You might even be able to simply swap a meal or experience for their promotion and exposure.
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